What’s your full name and where are you from?
My name is Angelica Kayode-Okoro, I was born in Liverpool but now live on the Wirral.
Tell me how you first found out about The Women’s Organisation and become part of our team?
I first found out about the Women’s Organisation through my sister who runs her ow
n business. She came here a couple years ago to attend courses. So, I was aware of the organisation before coming across the job vacancy on Liverpool In Work.
What kind of things have you done prior to coming to The Women’s Organisation?
I was a university student studying Human Biology at Manchester Metropolitan University, I graduated in 2019.
What has surprised you about working at The Women’s Organisation?
The outstanding sense of community, between both staff members and tenants, the atmosphere was nothing but welcoming from the start.
What’s the best thing about working at The Women’s Organisation?
The best thing about working for the Women’s Organisation is knowing that you are directly helping people lives and aiding them on their path to success. It is rewarding work that keeps you motivated to keep going above and beyond to help in any way you can.

Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
Answering calls and signposting them to the correct team or individual if I can’t help them myself. Answering tenant queries and sorting post for tenants and virtual tenants.
What might (someone) be surprised to know about you?
I achieved an A* in GCSE Mandarin Chinese, successfully completed a year studying the Cambridge pre-university course in Mandarin Chinese and spent 3 weeks in Shanghai attending a study camp.
I practice as a makeup artist, so spend a lot of my free time creating new looks.