Artist Joanne Thompson at 54 St James StreetIf you’ve graced the 4th floor at 54 St James Street (perhaps for a conference or event?) you’ve probably spotted the stunning textural art work on display.

We love art here, so our spaces are filled with local female artist, and these particular pieces are no different. Our fourth floor art has been rented from talented artist Joanne Thompson for several years. We can’t imagine the space without it – so we are thrilled to now be the proud owners of all three wonderful pieces.

To mark the occasion we were pleased to welcome Thompson back to 54 to chat about her work.

Hi Joanne! Lovely to have you back. Tell us a bit about yourself and what first sparked your interest in creating art?

I live, work and was raised on the borderlands of North Wales and Cheshire. My interest in art started during early childhood when I would spend hours learning domestic crafts such as embroidery, crocheting, sewing and knitting with my grandmother. As a teenager I would always be painting and drawing and particularly enjoyed working in collage. After leaving school I studied Graphic Design at Wrexham’s School of Art & Design and worked for a time in museums and then textiles before returning to study for a Fine Art (BA Hon) degree, graduating in 2007. I now work in my studio on the Redwither business park in Wrexham, North Wales.

How would you describe your creative process? Is it structured or more spontaneous?

I work intuitively sometimes from sketches of a subject but often from a certain feeling or memory. Working on 2 or 3 paintings at a time I use a range of materials to try and capture my subject.

Joanne Thompson at 54 St James Street

How did your pieces originally come to be in at 54 St James Street?

My paintings were selected by your team from the dot-art art gallery in Liverpool.

What are some recurring themes or ideas that emerge in your work?

The paintings at the Women’s org. are inspired from my childhood memories in my grandmothers. I remember the textures and fabrics of her house and the feelings of isolation when engaged in the process of crafting. My recurring themes are (1) isolation and (2) the frustration of being confined by the gender stereotyping of ‘female craft.’

What are you currently working on? Are you experimenting with new techniques or styles?

I usually make my own canvas from upholstery fabric and sew, weave or embroider into it before painting begins. I like to work on a large scale to exaggerate and elevate the process of domestic craft to fine art. Experimenting with new techniques is a big part of my process and my latest work comes from sketches of neolithic burial mounds and involve the age old process of plaiting.

How does having your work displayed in our building make you feel?

I’m absolutely delighted that these particular paintings have a home at the Liverpool Women’s Org. as they show my interpretation of women’s work and persistence.

You can find out more about Joanne Thompson or get in touch on her website here.

54 St James Street is an events and conferencing centre, meeting and office rental space in the Baltic Triangle, Liverpool. Find out more about us here. No need to need to wait for a conference or event to view our artwork. Call in for a coffee and sign into our visitors to view the artwork for yourself.